Monthly Highlights
Step into the world of Elevate Community Ministries and read more about the big wins and all the in-betweens!
updated 11/6/24
We kicked off October by providing a continental breakfast for the Food Pantry Network's annual meeting.
Hosted the Recovery Conference with over 100 people in attendance
Provided drinks to Craft Show vendors with a Thrivent grant
Partnered with the Health Department to host the annual Community Baby Shower
Provided lunch for the Women's Simulcast
Journeys Unplugged was a wonderful evening of 4 separate performances by young, local musicians
New winner on Trivia night! Team Baja Blast dominated the movie category and came out on top this month
Served dinner for 13 couples attending the Marriage Course's "Date Night"
Sold 170 paninis, 162 tacos and a whole lotta lattes!
128 NEW customers to the Bridge in October
918 unique families shopped at the Bridge during the month of October
1,479 customer visits for the month
Just this week we had opportunities to come alongside some special customers:
1) A customer struck up a conversation after shopping and getting her free bread and produce. We found out that her family (husband and 4 kids) just relocated to Midland after hurricane damage made them move out of their home. Turns out they have family in Midland so had a safe place to live with her mother-in-law, but now there are 6 people under one roof, no jobs, etc. Her mother-in-law told her about the Bridge and she was so happy to find us. We were able to bless her with a little extra bread and produce and pass along a $25 gift card which had been previously donated by someone wanting to help.
2) One of our volunteers was shocked to ring up a grocery order of $263 - the largest she had ever seen at the Bridge. Of course there was time to chat during this transaction and we found out that their home had burned completely and they were starting all over. The good news is they are moving back into their home, but quickly realize that nothing means nothing in the cupboards. While they were able to afford many items, the volunteer asked if we could bless them with something extra. The volunteers helped the customer out to her car because she had multiple carts (who can fill almost 3 carts with just $263 anywhere else?!) and they blessed the customer with a $25 gift card. $25 doesn't mean a lot to most of us, but it means everything to someone that doesn't have much.
Get Involved
There are so many ways to bless people at the Bridge and we believe that as volunteers, we are as blessed as our customers when we serve. Serving looks different for everyone: serving during open hours, serving behind the scenes, paying it forward to someone that needs something by purchasing a gift card, making a donation of food for the bonus section or a financial donation and last on this list, but surely the most important...prayer. Thank you all for your prayers and support of the Bridge Food Center.
4 cars donated
Booked through Christmas for repairs would love to be able to expand our help, if you know of any licensed mechanics, please have them apply by emailing
Kid's Creek Early Care and Education is celebrating this Fall season with a Halloween Parade and Pumpkin Carving
We are fully staffed!
Tyrone Jones joined the team
Completed Alpa Course 2 weeks ago.
Over 100 appliances donated
Home to Stay partnership enhances allowing us to continue to provide appliances at even great discount to individuals who struggle to afford also, PP is now an official approved contractor for Home to Stay Housing repairs-specifically roofs and ramps.
*a separate non-profit entity, sister company to Elevate Community Ministries
Updates are a small invite community breakfast to raise awareness and hopefully donations on November 12
Mailers for fundraising are underway
Patient numbers and visits are increasing
Patients walked a mile to go to another facility. That facility couldn't help them, so they came to Gateway and were thrilled with the services given
elevating lives through maintaining human dignity
elevating lives through affordable solutions
elevating the community through local involvement